Research Methods in Chemistry

Chemistry is a practical science. That is why most works in this discipline are of an experimental-analytical nature. Accordingly, most of the methods of investigation of substances, compounds, reactions, and phenomena in chemistry are empirical.


For convenience, we have divided the most popular research methods into three large groups:


General scientific theoretical methods of research in chemistry;
General scientific empirical methods of research in chemistry;
Special research methods in chemistry.


The first two groups of methods are found in the methodologies of other sciences, while the special, or highly specialized methods are found only in chemical research.


In order to choose the methods that will best help reveal your research topic, it is worthwhile to understand what they are and for what tasks they are used.


General scientific theoretical research methods in chemistry
The most sought-after theoretical methods in chemistry are:




Observation method
Observation is the external study of certain chemical phenomena or substances. As a rule, for this method to be effective, the researcher must observe the following conditions:


choose the object of study;
define the goal and objectives;
put forward a possible hypothesis.


Only by observing the conditions, it is possible to get clear results and not to get confused in a large amount of data.


Description method
The description method in chemistry most often complements the other methods. It is used to list the main features of substances and depict chemically performed experiments.

Modeling Method
In chemistry, not all chemical reactions can be performed in the laboratory. For complex phenomena, the simulation method is used. They are used to create models which can be used to test hypotheses.


Abstraction method
The method of abstraction is used when it is necessary to reject unimportant indicators and explore the general laws of chemical substances and phenomena in more detail.

Experimental method
What is the difference between an experiment and observation? In that experimental experiments are always an active impact on the material being studied. Experiments are conducted under controlled conditions and are used for the practical part of the study.


Measurement method
Without the method of measurement in chemical science, there’s nowhere to go. After all, it is not enough to simply conduct a scientific experiment and describe the reaction. You need to understand what parameters to measure and how to compare them in order to draw the right conclusions.


The method of analysis
Analytical methods are very important in modern chemistry research. They help you study chemicals from different angles, specifically conduct the right reactions, and draw valid conclusions.


Method of synthesis
The synthesis method in chemistry helps to produce new substances through chemical reactions. It is just as important as analysis. It is often used as a research method in organic chemistry.


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